Monday, October 01, 2007

traveling in light vs. traveling in darkness

A few weeks ago, my friend Cait and i went shopping on a friday night. so i drove to her house to pick her up, and got lost on the way there. that's because she lives in a developement in the area, and i don't have much experiance driving in those developments, they're pretty tricky and all look the same. anyways, i did finally get to her house, i just missed her street and had to turn around. after i dropped her off when we were done, i got lost going from her house to mine. i missed the road to get back on the route that would take me into town. so i figured i would keep driving and find a road to turn off of and then turn around. well, there were no roads to turn off of. so i just kept going. after what seemed like forever i came upon a town. i saw a sign for a church, and figured out what town i was in. then i saw a traffic light, and this is going to sound really strange, but then i knew exactly how to get home. since it was about 9:15 or 9:20pm at that point, i decided to stop off at the McDonald's parking lot to call my parents to let them know that i was on my way home and i just got lost a little. i told them i'd be home by 9.

yesterday we had another shopping adventure. and when i dropped her off at home this time, i decided to go that same way, just to see what it looked like during the day. it turns out that during that drive there's a steep down slope on the ride side of the road. and at the bottom is a stream. i'm kinda of glad i didn't know that while i was driving in the dark. but i'm also glad none of my right drifting tendancies came back to me either. also, the drive didn't seem as long. when i came to the town, i was sure i missed something. and i've realized that with other things too, how it seems longer in the dark.

when i was driving in the dark, it seemed to take longer because i didn't know where i was going, and i could only see 250ft in front of me(300ft when i had my high-beams on). but during the daytime, i was able to see a whole lot further than that. i was about to see as far as the next curve in the road. so i saw the town sooner, and the intersection sooner.

i'm wondering if the same could be said about life, and different situations of it. i'm having a hard time applying that analogy to my own life, but i have thought of how it could be applied. maybe someone went through a situation before they became a Christian, or during a time when they had fallen away from God. during that time it may seem long and never ending, and if they know that they're lost and not on the right road, they may even be a little panicky because they have no clue where they are. so that would be driving on the road in the dark. then, maybe when the person becomes a Christian, or has a closer walk with God, they can see the same thing a whole lot differently. maybe they can be in that same situation, yet it's not that bad. they can see what's a head, and they know what's coming. i knew that i would pass through the town eventually. and maybe they'd know which part of that situation was coming. anyways, i felt much better about driving on that road during the day. it wasn't quite as fun as i thought, but it made for a great story. i just need to stop getting lost so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes I absolutely agree that that can be applied to life. And in the way you put it. When you go thru a hard time without Christ you tend to do it "alone" and it can be frightening and seem unending. But when we know Christ as our personal Savior, He becomes our leader and protecter thru those hard time. And I know, from my own experiances, that even as Christians we can go thru things "alone." Not that God has abandoned us but more as we have abandoned God. Sometimes we get so caught up and overwhelmed by our troubles that we lose sight of God, and sorta "leave Him behind" or travel in the darkness. But when we continue to put our faith in Him and trust Him no matter what we can travel thru "the Light of the world."

No one special.