Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day by day

so on my way to lunch today, i got to talk with a friend of mine from church. he's a senior in high school, and when he asked how i was, i told him crazy. junior year is so stressful. so then he decides to tell me that it's going to be like that all year. but thankfully, he offered a glimmer of hope. he said if there's one piece of advice he could give me, just take it day by day. one step at a time. if you don't, you get overwhelmed, and then nothing gets done. so i'm supposed to just keep chugging along with my senior high project. the past few weeks have been a whirlwind. and from what it looks like, it's going to stay that way. so i might as well get used to this stress level. and i've decided that i'm going to have to set aside time to relax. otherwise i won't survive. so saturday and sunday are going to be relaxing days. i'll probably still do homework and housework, but i'll make sure to reserve some time to just watch a movie and knit. or read a book. last saturday i went shopping by myself, and i really liked using that as some relaxing time. especially when i'm just by myself and have no certain time i need to be back. i just go home when i start to get hungry, because my budget is too tight to eat out all the time.

so i just want to apologize to everyone in advance if i'm not the most pleasant person this year. i'll try my hardest to be as positive as possible. but maybe it won't be that bad after all. i mean, we're already through the first marking period. well, almost, the end of the marking period is next week. so i just need to hang in there until thanksgiving, and then i'll have a break. from there i just need to hang on until Christmas. but that's too far ahead. how about i just make sure i have all my music together for tomorrow's Christian club...


Liz's Random Thoughts said...

Good luck!:) and if you need to you know you can always vent or w/e on me:) <3

Unknown said...

I can understand some of what you're going through, my senior year is going along like crap down the toilet (if you forgive the terrible simile). My school's been on strike for almost three weeks so far, with another couple weeks to go since neither side is budging an inch, with teachers "suggesting" on striking again in the spring. The school is holding transcripts, stopping extra-curriculars, getting us behind in AP work, failing to allow us to apply for CHS credit, delaying graduation, ending senior project, and destroying all our vacations among other things that I can't think of off the top of my head.

Sorry about the rant, just something I had to get off my chest. Good luck with your year so far, and be thankful that you don't have a year like mine lol. Happy Halloween!