Thursday, September 13, 2007

Something good to talk about

If i was a Christian artist and had a CD coming out, that's what i would name it. it comes from the chorus of a song i wrote last year. that song is about the "friendship" i've had with this guy at my school. well, i guess interaction is a better word for it. see, we first met in seventh grade, and every time we attempted at conversation, it ended with an argument. and for some reason he has this thing against my friends and myself. we just tried to come up with great come backs when one of us got into an argument with him. for some reason it seemed to always be me heading up the argument, and my friends backing me up. eventually they just happened to not be there.

Last year he was in my french class. we were always constantly at each other, except for if a certain event happened. there was another guy in my french class who's an atheist and would always get into arguments with him about Evolution v. Creationism, and arguments against Christianity in general. well, the guy that i always argued with would always turn to me and be like, "answer him." so then i would have to bail him out because apparently i have lots of knowledge for arguments such as those.

then, i realized that this guy and me could have a very civil and positive conversation if we talked about God and Church. so then i wrote this song about it. here's the chorus:

"Can we put our differences away for awhile,
And Find something good to talk about
'Cause we seem to disagree on everything but God
Which is when we team up to defend His name"

how crazy is that? so today, he was looking for one of my friends who helps lead Christian club. well, i help lead Christian club, so i asked him what he had a question about. and he told me. and i told him i would ask the proper person/people and get back to him soon. as i was walking off to homeroom, i realized i had just had a very civil conversation with him. i was shocked, i have to admit. we actually handled things almost like adults! we're growing up! that makes me very excited. i hope we can have more civil conversations in the future.

on another note, i didn't realize how many people noticed shoes. i had new shoes on today, and my homeroom teacher said something about them, and then a friend of mine in one of my classes, he said something. yes, i said he. i was very surprised too. i didn't think many guys noticed things like that.


Anonymous said...

No one commented on my new shoes...And yes, at least I say things like that.

Abby said...

well, thank you for the comment/comliment. and your new shoes looked very nice and bright and white and lacking smudges! :-)

Liz's Random Thoughts said...

Hey Abby can I see a pic of your shoes???;) since everyone seems to commenting them.....