Friday, September 14, 2007

It's a good thing...

that i've done the 30-hour famine before. because i haven't eaten since 11:20ish this morning. so that's over nine hours without food. but i'm heating up some Boston Market Mac 'n Cheese.

I had more civil conversations today with that person i was talking about yesterday. i talked a lot about Christian club, and See You at the Pole. SYATP is on September 26th. i'm really excited because this year i'm one of the leaders for it. and i get to help lead worship. oh, that reminds me, i need to look up some stuff for that.

I'm so thankful to have a God who can work things out just perfectly. i saw that in action tonight. and thanks to that action, i know for sure that i'm going to a conference tomorrow. it's for students wanting to share their faith at school. since i'm one of the leaders of Christian Club, i figured it would be good for me to go. i'm open to any ideas God gives me.

well, it's going to be a crazy weekend. but i know i'll get through it just fine. i hope the rest of you have a nice, peaceful, and craziness free weekend. maybe i'll get that next week. actually, next week is my sister's 10th birthday. that's going to be loads of fun!


Anonymous said...

Yeah standin up for your faith is a good thing to do. But if you dont mind my asking...why are you fasting? I dont think its bad, just curious.
I love seeing God in action. It always seems to make everything worth its while. It makes me think of Acts 20:24 "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."

Anonymous said...

No one special

Abby said...

oh, i wasn't fasting from food. i just had to work from 5-8, so i didn't eat supper until after i came home. there is something else i'm fasting from. but since you're on the doatg forums, maybe you've read about it on one of my posts.