Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Center of the Week

Happy April Fools Day! I've heard some crazy things today, and thankfully I have discernment as to what I can and cannot believe. While I was driving to a meeting at 7am, I heard something on the news having to do with someone important in our state resigning or something. I have to admit I was only half listening. By the time I was truly listening they were saying stuff about two newspapers that are merging, and it sounded kinda sketchy.

It makes me remember last April Fools day, with the media just dumping all their April Fools jokes on their audience. On the Word FM, at the beginning of the morning show(I just happened to wake up for the start of it.), they said that they had a special announcement. They claimed the from surveys that they took, changes were needed. So the host of their Sunday Evening Bluegrass show came on and made some sort of announcement that the Word FM was going to a bluegrass only format. The crazy thing is, people actually believed it! Now, even though I was half awake, I realized that it was April Fools Day, therefore this obviously was a joke. But I guess some people are wrapped up so much in their own lives that they don't remember what day it is.

This morning on the announcements they made all sorts of claims. If they really want to get us, and get all of us, they need to come up with something that would affect the seniors too. Everything they said, if true, would affect everyone except the seniors. It was a nice thought however.

Well, I really don't want to find a fish on my back, and I hope no one sticks a fish on your back either.

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