Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Week Without Parents

So, this week my parents, and my grandparents are in Oklahoma. My dad is attending a conference there, and my mom and grandparents are along for the ride. They traveled there yesterday, and I’m guessing it went well. It’s very exciting because my family never flies. I mean, all of you know that I flew last summer, but that was my first time. Part of the reason why it was my first time is because my family can’t exactly afford to pay for five plane tickets every summer. My mom has flown before, when she was a kid, but obviously, there has been a few changes to the system since then. Yesterday was the very first time my dad flew on an airplane. I thought seventeen in a half years was long enough, but add a couple more decades onto that? Anyways, I’m not sure whether he was nervous, because my dad doesn’t exactly show nervousness much. But I’m sure they all did fine.

Here at home things have been okay too. Sure, the DSL isn’t working, so we’re stuck with dial up, unless someone wants to spot me a few dollars to go to Panera Bread. Actually, I don’t really have time to get everything together and go somewhere that has WiFi. I’m not sure what Joel will contribute commentary to this dilemma when he gets home, but Aunt Tracey and I continue to ask ourselves, “How did we deal with dial-up just a couple years ago?” And then I get to the question of, “What did I do with my time before internet and Facebook?” I know one thing we used to do….cook dinner! That’s what I need to do now! By the time I post this, dinner will be long gone. I’m typing on a Word document that I will cut and paste later. Here’s to a clean house and a broken computer…I mean, slow internet!


Ha! I'm here at the library, got fed up with what all I had to do! Plus, it's a homework free night, so that helps. Maybe if I get bored during study hall I can blog some more!

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