Thursday, April 02, 2009

Lost, the 90s, and more!

So...admit it...who watched Lost last night? I won't give away too much, because I understand some people are way too busy, and need to catch up. I will, however, say this: I think there's a running theme of sandwiches, and people bring other locked up people sandwiches.

Before Joel and I sat down to watch Lost, we watched some old music videos. I got this DVD several years ago called "The Vault." Well, I think that's what it's called. It's basically every single music video from Gotee Records up until 2004. See, during supper we talked about this one music video from John Reuben called "Dippity Doin'" and we felt that we needed to show Aunt Tracey this music video. So after that music video, we just kept watching. These videos go from the most recent to the oldest. It was interesting scanning all the ones from the 90s, and even the earlier 2000s. I absolutely LOVE 90s music! While some of the music videos are cheesy, it's still fun to watch. The music video for "Two Sets of Jones" is very well done in my opinion.

It's musical season again! Our musical opens tonight. But I'm not going until Sunday. I volunteered to usher so I can get in for free! This will be my third year in a row ushering, so hopefully I'll be pretty good at it.

On another note, I found that I'm really sick and tired of driving every single day in a row! I think I've driven every day since........March 24th? See, I can't even remember! How do people do this every day? I'm used to driving for not long maybe 6 out of 7 days a week. I normally like driving, but I'm ready for a break. I did, however, enjoy the opportunity to sit in student parking lot traffic after school yesterday. That was the first and only time I have done that while being in the driver's seat. Mr. Robinson was still out there in the rain with his umbrella making sure no collisions occurred. It took me longer to get home than if I would've walked.

Well, we're nearing the end of another study hall. Aunt Tracey called Juno, and they're sending us a new modem within three to five business days. So that means between monday and wednesday. I'm not complaining, because I lived without it for three days now, so I can do without it for a while more. Plus, if I really need it, I can go to Messiah College on Sunday afternoon.

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