Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Boxing Day!

A late Merry Christmas to all of you! i am very sorry i haven't posted in a while, but i've been quite busy.

i got a facebook last wednesday. i was really bored on wednesday night while i was waiting for my turn in the bathroom, so i decided to create a facebook. and now i've found all these different people i know from school. it's pretty fun, but it's also easy to spend way too much time on there.

my Christmas break has been good so far. yesterday was not normal to say the least. i usually go to my grandma's house on Christmas eve, and then stay there until the day after Christmas. yesterday Grandma wasn't feeling so well, and Granddad ended up having to take her to the emergency room. so that left my immediate family, my cousins, two aunts, one uncle, and a spattering of great-aunts and great-uncles at Grandma's house all by ourselves. my two aunts and Mom all worked together to make up for all the parts that Grandma always does. my cousin and i, who are the oldest two cousins, probably would've helped too, but they had other adults that we don't normally have for sunday dinner.

having everyone there actually made it better, because that meant our minds were distracted from worrying about Grandma. all of my cousins were there until about 5:00, when they headed off to their other grandma's house. they left a number where we could reach them when we had more information about Grandma.

around supper time, my Granddad's cousin and his family showed up. at first we weren't going to get much out for supper, but then my brother asked who decided we weren't hungry. so we ended up eating supper. we always have a special punch at Christmas, and it's a special recipe from my Grandma's side of the family. except whenever we make it, Grandma's there telling us how much of everything to put in it. my mom and Aunt Tracey looked through some cookbooks but couldn't find it. finally we called someone to get the recipe.

Even though Grandma wasn't feeling so great yesterday, that meant that she had an audience of six watching her open her Christmas presents this morning.

so that's my Christmas break so far. tomorrow my cousins are coming up and we're going to Hershey Chocolate World. then they're coming to the pizza buffet while i'm working. at first they were all going to go without me, and just let me go to work. but i was really upset by that. even though i've been to Hershey Chocolate World so many times, i've never gone with my cousins. and they don't come up to see us all that often, so it'd be nice to see them at a time when i'm not working.

while my mom was on the phone with my aunt this morning, i started crying because i didn't want to miss going with them. but they worked out so we could go before i have to work. i know i'm going to have to get used to missing out on things when i go to college, but i haven't moved out yet. i'm not totally ready for complete isolation.

1 comment:

Liz's Random Thoughts said...

I'm glad you got to go w/ your cousins today:) I hope even when you go to college you won't get left out of doing things..<3<3 **hugs**