Monday, December 17, 2007

Wow, this is interesting

so there was an ice storm yesterday. we still had church, but some other churches canceled their services. it was pretty cool walking on the grass, because there was ice surrounding each blade of grass. same for the leaves on the trees. all through the afternoon we heard the wind blow lots of ice off the trees and onto the ground. before supper, Dad and Anna traveled back to the church to get something, and they reported that most houses south of our street didn't have power. this meant that my school and Anna's school didn't have power, theoretically.

then this morning i woke up to hear that we had a two hour delay. but then it was changed to being closed. when i went on the website for one of the local TV stations, i saw that it was only high school and one elementary school that was closed. this was because of what i had guessed before. there's no electricity at those two schools. so that means that all three of us are home all day today. i'm not sure if we'll have to make this up later on in the year. i'm guessing we won't, since more than half the district is going to school today, just on a two hour delay.

i'm actually glad that the schools affected are the ones that Joel, Anna and I go to. otherwise that would make for an interesting day. although, with the way my life has been going, the day would've been interesting even if we went to school.

well, if you'll excuse me, the writing process is calling me.

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