Friday, January 04, 2008


it's been quite the week. it's hard to believe new year's day was just three days ago. it seems like forever ago. then again, it was hard for a lot of people to get it in their heads that it was friday. maybe that's why Christian club attendance was lower than normal.

it's really cool what we're doing in Christian club coming up soon. we have this "Mega-blessing" planned. for the next few months, we're going to have everyone bring at least a dollar a week, and then each week we'll use that money to do something for a group of students around school. today we told the club about it, and got their feed back. we also bounced around ideas. two other people were presenting, and then the one girl looked at me and asked me to write some of this down. so i told notes on the meeting. i'm really excited for this, and i hope it all works out.

in other news, i got all the info so i can start planning my schedule for next year. because i'll be a senior(that's so weird to say--i feel so under prepared), i have a few options. so i really need to pray about what God wants me to do. for some reason, i'm feeling like a normal schedule is not for me. so now i need to figure out what i want to do next year. well, i have awhile to think about that.

lastly, i would like to express that i don't like the way the high school teaches purity. except, it's not for the reason everyone else gives. it's because today, my health class teacher told us that he wasn't trying to tell us that we had to wait until marriage to have sex. thankfully, i was standing next to a friend of mine who goes to one of the area churches, so i exchanged a glance with her. i'm glad to know that someone else in the class agreed with me. i've heard a statement similar to that on tv. i honestly don't know why people would have that point of view. and i don't know how people could do that without feeling so...dirty. because that's how i would feel. i just needed to get that frustration out of my system.

well, i guess i just want to warn you that midterms are coming up, so i may not be posting quite as much as i was. we'll just have to see where life takes me.

1 comment:

Liz's Random Thoughts said...

I hope your midterms and everything goes great!:) **hugs**