Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lots of thoughts tonight

Ever since this morning, I seem to have a mind saturated with diverse thoughts. I have more questions than answers, and those questions produce more questions. In some ways I suppose it's a matter of sorting out my life. At the same time I realize it's going to take more than one day to sort all this out. For some of it I need to wait on God. Waiting can be extremely difficult at times.

Part of the reasons for feeling this way could be stress from school. By noon tomorrow I will have completed two tests in a row. This isn't exactly the most ideal way to start the week, but hopefully it'll only get better from there. I do know that I feel like homework is a never ending cycle, and as much as I try, I can't seem to get ahead.

Anyways, back to the mind full with thoughts thing. It's made today seem longer. I feel like I just fit three days into one. While there's a lot of unknowns in my thoughts right now, I do know that I can keep holding onto God. I know that He hears me, and will help me through these strange feelings I'm having. In the mean time I'll keep praying and find something to do while I'm waiting. Oh wait, I can do all that homework that's on my to-do list! (I love college, I promise!)

Monday, September 07, 2009

while i'm on the subject...

I would just like to say that I love the media! and not for the reasons that the rest of us love the media. I really love studying the media, and learning as much as possible about it.

And this is why i can't decide what i want my concentration for my major to be. I guess i have time to think and pray about it though.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

just a thought

ok, i've really held back on saying the following comment, because i don't want it to come out of as a complaint. But the time has come to just say it. i feel like i've been 18 forever. it's not a bad thing. Actually, this past summer was the first where my age never really mattered, because everyone was in college, and all that did matter was that we were cleaning a bazillion bathrooms.

on another note, during the past few worship experiences, i have come up with parts to a song of mine. i actually wrote the chorus three years ago.(or something like that) this past sunday, i went to church with an awesome friend of mine. while i did actually get something out of that sermon, i had a verse to write down. thankfully the bulletin for that church has lots of white space for taking notes, so i did both. i took notes and wrote my song. although i always think i look really weird when i'm writing songs because i end up tapping out the rhythm, and sing to myself and stuff like that. oh well.

During Chapel today, i came up with the second verse. i still need to practice it all together to see how it sounds, but i think God really came through on that one. This is all such a blessing because i've been really struggling emotionally over the past few days. i still need a bridge to the song, but i'll wait on God's timing for that.

well, i need to head to class.