Thursday, September 03, 2009

just a thought

ok, i've really held back on saying the following comment, because i don't want it to come out of as a complaint. But the time has come to just say it. i feel like i've been 18 forever. it's not a bad thing. Actually, this past summer was the first where my age never really mattered, because everyone was in college, and all that did matter was that we were cleaning a bazillion bathrooms.

on another note, during the past few worship experiences, i have come up with parts to a song of mine. i actually wrote the chorus three years ago.(or something like that) this past sunday, i went to church with an awesome friend of mine. while i did actually get something out of that sermon, i had a verse to write down. thankfully the bulletin for that church has lots of white space for taking notes, so i did both. i took notes and wrote my song. although i always think i look really weird when i'm writing songs because i end up tapping out the rhythm, and sing to myself and stuff like that. oh well.

During Chapel today, i came up with the second verse. i still need to practice it all together to see how it sounds, but i think God really came through on that one. This is all such a blessing because i've been really struggling emotionally over the past few days. i still need a bridge to the song, but i'll wait on God's timing for that.

well, i need to head to class.

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