Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I should be working on something productive...

so right now i'm in Powerpoint class. but see, i have Word, and then Powerpoint, so sometimes it gets repetitive, like today. Today during Word, we had a speaker, and it's for all the business classes. so instead of seeing the speaker for a second time, i decided just to chill for awhile. i could be figuring out how to import lists in Access to make them one huge list, but i already tried and it didn't work. i also could be working on my Powerpoint FAP, but i don't really feel like doing that either. for my FAP i'm making a presentation about Adventures in Odyssey. So far it's been really fun, but i haven't been as productive as i could be.

so let's see, it's been awhile since i've posted, so what's been going on? well, i started my senior year. started writing two songs. i like the one, ripped up the other because it ended up not working.(i'm waiting for a good time to burn those papers) but i haven't really had any inspiration to add to the other.

See you at the Pole went really well this year. and Christian club has been going well too. Aparently God is supposed to do something really amazing this year. We're not exactly sure what. for some reason though i haven't felt as connected with God as i have in the past. i don't know what the problem is, or where it started. i really hope i can fix that connection soon. it just gets difficult at times, because i see everyone else on the leadership team on fire for God, but yet i can't feel anything. i even almost pulled myself off the leadership team, but i reasoned that doing that would be more harm than good. over the past few weeks i think i've realized that part of this whole thing is that my thirst for Worship hasn't been quenched through my church.

see, we still sing hymns at my church. and that just doesn't bring me into worship like other songs do. over a week ago, i went to a concert called the Art Music Justice Tour. We had a time of worship there, and it was awesome! i really felt connected there. so i guess i need to find a suppliment? i'll have to see. but i do know that the people at my church really need to warm up to the idea of doing some songs that were written during my lifetime.

ok, i have about five minutes left, so i'll try to come up with something contructive to say during that time. i turned 18 almost two weeks ago. so now i can vote, and drive past 11pm. at church last sunday, some of the ladies were giving me advice about marraige, because they were 18 whenever they married their husbands. the continued to tell me that this is a much different world, so i can wait a bit longer to get married. one of them even said 30 is a good age to get married. personally, i think that i don't to wait on purpose until i'm 30. but thinking through all this made me realize i'm the same age that my grandma was when she got married. and then i thought that in a few years, my mom will be the same age that my grandma was whenever she became a grandma.

on those thoughts i must bid you all good-bye. i'm off to practice piano during my next study hall!

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