Monday, May 18, 2009

Say Goodbye

This is the last Monday of my high school career. Well, other than graduation Monday that is. In exactly 21 days, I will be walking across a stage and departing on the rest of my life. Pretty scary, right? Actually, in a way I am scared. Not scared that I don't know what I'm doing in the long run, because I know. It's just getting to that point that seems scary. All this, by the way, leads to a very exciting announcement.

A week after I graduate, I will be starting a full time job with the state. I'll be riding the bus every day (hopefully...I'm still working out those details). Not sure what exactly I'll be doing but I know it involves office stuff. Either way, I'm very excited to be embarking on this adventure for the summer. I know that it'll take up a lot of my time, and I will only have saturdays to sleep in, but that's okay with me. It's a little different when you're earning money and getting up early everyday than when you're not. I just hope that I'll have enough self-discipline to go to bed earlier each night.

I hope to meet many new people with this new job, and maybe even network a bit. I figure it can't hurt just in case I'll need a job after college. One major thing on my "to-do" list this week is to hand in my two week notice for my current job. I work at a Pizza Buffet right now. We don't have many part time workers, so I'm interested to see the reaction of the managers when I hand over that letter telling them my plans. I already have a first draft written, and intend to put it into a Word document so I can print and sign it and all that official stuff.

So, back to this last week of school. It's actually just our last full week with classes, because next week Seniors have review days and finals. I achieved exemption for most of my classes. Survey of British Literature became my enemy, therefore I will be taking that final. Elementary Concepts of Calc suddenly made sense somewhere along the way, and so I am on the boarder line of being exempt for that. If I preform extremely well on the next test, which is very attainable, I will be exempt. I need to turn in the form by Thursday, so it'll be really dramatic until then to see if I'm exempt from math.

Getting back on track, next week I will only have to come into school for Survey of Brit Lit and gym class (and math if I have to take the final). This means I come in for period two and three on the first review day.(and maybe period seven) and then on the second day just period 2. Thursday of that we I have off, because I don't take Social Studies or World Language, and those finals are on Thursday. Friday of next week I have Survey of Brit Lit. If I'm taking the math final that will be before Survey of Brit Lit. I like this because then I can spend all my energy on math, and then not try at all of Brit Lit.

Maybe I just need to focus on this week. Or maybe just today. The idea of graduating has been very exciting so far. I will feel sadness saying to goodbye to all my friends. Thankfully, someone came up with the bright idea to invent email and facebook, so we will all be able to keep in touch! It just won't be the same...

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