Wednesday, July 16, 2008

list of firsts

i'm going to be completing a list of "firsts" tomorrow, and i just wanted to list them all out here, because i think about things differently when i am reading them and can see it in front of me. okay, so here we go:

tomorrow it will be my first time to...

-go inside the BWI airport
-fly on an airplane
-be in Indiana
-be at Indianapolis
-go inside the Indianapolis airport
-only be in a city for 55 minutes
-be in Denver
-be in Colorado
-go inside the Denver airport
-see those wonderful mountains with my own eyes instead of seeing them on TV or in pictures
-be in the Mountain Standard Times Zone
-travel just with a friend
-Travel with Allergies
-Travel with Benadryl
-Travel with an EpiPen
-use my new luggage
-be that far away from home
-be in a state that isn't connected to any other states i've been to(i know, i make it sound like an island)
-see my friend's house that they moved into several years ago

well, that's all i can think of for now. it's quite the list. but i'm sure it'll be great! i have lots of podcasts, music, Noelle, God, my Bible, and a book to keep me company. oh, and how could we forget my sudoku book?

i guess i'll try to update this at least once while i'm out there. it would be really fun to post something from out there. we'll see.


Liz's Random Thoughts said...

Awesome! You go girl!:)

Tracey said...

So how was your first airplane, etc., experience, Abby? I'm sure I'll hear all about it soon! :)