Friday, May 30, 2008


As most of you know, the entire Christian Music Community has been reaching out for the past 9 days to the Chapman family, and helping them through their time of grieving the loss of little Maria. I just now read about another passing of a COCA(Child Of a Christian Artist). this time it deals with Nicol Sponberg, and her two-month old child. Nicol Sponberg had been in the group Selah, but now does her own CDs and stuff. anyways, apparently the child died in his sleep, probably from SIDS. That's so weird that there would be two of these types of deaths in just under ten days. I just wanted to put that piece of news out there for people to be praying for these families. The great thing about being a Christian Artist, as compared to just a regular mainstream artist, is that when something like this happens, you have literally everyone for support. You have all your fans praying for you, which is so powerful, and you have colleagues who drop whatever they are doing the second they hear about it, and come to be with you. it must be really encouraging from that perspective, and i think it's a reminder of how the body of Christ needs to be. We need to come together like everyone did(and still is) for the Steven Curtis Chapman incident. It's amazing to see, and read about what all happened, positives, in just two or three days last week to put together an amazing service to honor the life of Maria. from what i've read about on his manager's blog, it was very moving. and it's moving all of us.

so as "Miracle of the Moment" plays on the radio right now, i bid you goodnight. another action packed adventure will commence tomorrow. Life was never really promised to be boring when God's involved.

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