Thursday, April 17, 2008

Needing some support

I would just like to ask for prayer tomorrow. all of us juniors have to present our Senior High Projects tomorrow. actually, after next year, the term Senior High Project probably won't even exist. after that it will be called "Graduation Project" aka Project Dreams. here's a video to explain. well not really, but it's still cool:

Anyways, my class is the only one who could chose whether we wanted to do Senior High Project, or Project Dreams. I went with Senior High Project, because i was already halfway through by the time they told us we could pick. anyways, we all had to write a four page paper, and do a 15 minute presentation. we all handed in our papers at the end of March, and tomorrow we all present. and if we don't have it done, we still need to go(or else they'll punish us somehow) and tell them what we have done. it sounds really scary, but from what i've heard it's not, because the teachers really try to work with you to make sure you have a plan to get it done.

this is not the case for me. i did my 100 hours, and loved it! i have my presentation prepared, and have been constantly going over it in my head. tonight i need to make sure i have everything together, and then tomorrow morning, at 10:15 i will be heading up to the school. i present at 10:40, but i want to be there early. oh, that reminds me, i also need to get together what i plan to wear tomorrow.

so if all of you could just pray that i'm relaxed, and that i remember everything, then we're good. and hopefully i can make this thing be 15 minutes long. i don't think it'll be that bad. all the current seniors that i've talked to have said that it's really not that bad. it's a graduation requirement, so none of us can get out of it. it's one of those things you just have to do.

i do have to commend the school on the way that they are handling the way we present these things. it's all on one day, and the juniors have to come in only when we are scheduled to present. the freshmen, sophomores, and seniors don't have to come in at all. so i'll probably end up being at school for 1 and a half hours at the most.

so am i scared? a little. part of that comes from the unknown. i don't know which teachers will be in there evaluating me. i don't know how this is going to pan out, and i don't know what God will throw at me next. but i'm confident in my topic, and i have lots of stories from my project that i can always add in. so i'm open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

it also helps that i'll have some time to regroup afterwards, because i'm waiting for one of my friends to finish up hers so we can go out to lunch. so i'll probably just hang out in commons, and bring a book. actually, i'll probably bring my notebook. that will be a great time to do some song writing, and journaling.

wow, i never expect these things to be this long. why can't i get my research paper to be long?

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