Monday, February 25, 2008

That makes Three

I just on that Larry Norman passed away. for those of you who choose to block Christian music history from your brain, Larry Norman had a huge impact on Christian music as we know it. He's one of the Christian music pioneers. He's one of those guys they play on the WJTL Archives on saturday nights from 9-12.(i would like to confess at this moment that i don't listen to that show much. i can do the classic cafe, but the archives go a little too far back for me.)

As far as i'm concerned, that makes three who are with God right now. Over 25 years ago, Keith Green went to be with the Lord, and then ten years ago Rich Mullins. I have a feeling i'll be hearing more Larry Norman songs on the radio for a season. i also suspect that in the next year there will be a CD put out that has to do with Larry Norman, whether it's a greatest hits, or today's Christian artists doing covers of some of his songs. that's just the kind of thing we like to do. so just be keeping his family and friends in prayer, for this must be a very difficult time for him. for more information you can visit,, or

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