Thursday, August 09, 2007

A new forming Idea

So this thing came into my head the other day. i was thinking about diving into something, with something being some kind of activity, relationship or whatever. but then the phrase "diving in heart first" came to my mind. I haven't developed this enough to come up with an entire metaphor. I don't know whether diving in heart first is a good thing, or a bad thing, and i don't know whether it's something that we should be doing, or shoudn't be doing. i need to ponder this a little more. but i just wanted to put it out there. right now i'm leaning towards that it's a bad thing because it doesn't really allow for logic. but maybe there's a happy medium, like if we would make sure logic is there with the heart while they're diving. it's like the album by Unsearchable Riches called "Put your Heart where Your Head Is". wait a second, they mean something different. never mind, i don't know where i come up with these things.


Liz's Random Thoughts said...

I don't know either...;) Jk if you figure the rest of it out let me know:) might go good for the story of your life movie hmm..;)

Hannah B said...

just a comment for you from my own life . . . so I went to Mexico this summer, actually, just a few weeks ago (okay 2 weeks ago-it feels like forever though), and just from being there one week, I have changed a lot and have been thinking a lot this past week about it. And then I got your e-mail about stuff and then your "book," anyway this week has been really reflective of the Mexico trip.

ANYway, I just wanted to comment that God may be calling you to do something and you should ask him what it is and then just listen to what he has to tell you. It may be kinda weird, but find a place where you can be by yourself (I know that might be hard, but just try) and ask God, What do you want me to "dive into"? And listen to his answer. He might give you a picture, a song, a voice in your head, scripture verse to read. And just act on it - dive into it. And, let me know how it goes =)